- Grade/Status : Professeur
- Institution : UJM St Etienne
- Building : Site Métare - Batiment C
- Phone :
04 77 48 51 24
- E-mail : Jerome.bascou @
- Team : Surface et Lithosphère
- Study of the deformation from crystal to lithospheric scale; relationships between (micro)-structures, deformation and physical anisotropies (seismic and magnetic). Investigated geological “materials” and sites are: cratonic lithosphere (Siberia; East- Antarctica). shear zones (Brazil, Terre Adélie, Bénin, Togo), mantle above the Kerguelen plume (India Ocean), magmatic flows (natural basaltic flows from the center and the south of France) and analogues.
- Study of the magnetic properties of anthropogenic samples (scoria and slag) and their relationship with heavy metal pollution.
- Responsible for the rock magnetism instrumentation of the LMV@UJM.
- Principal Investigator of two scientific projects of the French polar institute (IPEV):
- Project ARLITA (Architecture la lithosphère de Terre Adélie), link:
- Project LISISKER (Etude des structures de la lithosphère et de la sismicité de Kerguelen), link :