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Publications Scientifiques

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* Barral A, Gomez B, Feild TS, Coiffard C, Daviero-Gomez V. Leaf architecture and ecophysiological insights of an early basal eudicot from the Early Cretaceous of Spain.


* Martín-Closas C, Gomez B, Daviero-Gomez V. Chapter 3. Plants and plant landscape ecology of Las Hoyas and surrounding wetlands. In: Buscalioni, A.D., Poyato-Ariza, F.J. (eds), “Las Hoyas: A Cretaceous wetland. A multidisciplinary synthesis after 25 years of research on an exceptional fossil deposit from Spain. Volume honouring Dr. Prof. J.L. Sanz. Verlag Dr. Pfeil, München.


* Coiffard C, Gomez B, Daviero-Gomez V, Dilcher DL. 2012. Rise to dominance of angiosperm pioneers in European Cretaceous environments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA in press.

* Coiffard C, Gomez B. Influence of latitude and climate on spread, radiation and rise to dominance of early angiosperms during the Cretaceous in the Northern Hemisphere. Acta Geologica 10(2)181–188.

* Villalba-Breva, S., Martín-Closas, C., Marmi, J., Gomez, B., Fernandez-Marron, M.T. - Peat-forming plants of the Pyrenean Maastrichtian coal. Acta Geologica 10(2)189–207.

* Vullo R, Marugan-Lobon J, Kellner AWA., Buscalioni AD, Gomez B, de la Fuente M, Moratalla JJ. A New Crested Pterosaur from the Early Cretaceous of Spain: The First European Tapejarid (Pterodactyloidea: Azhdarchoidea). PloS ONE 7(7)e38900. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0038900

* Gomez B, Gillot T, Daviero-Gomez V, Coiffard C, Spagna P, Yans J. Chapter 10. Mesofossil plant remains from the Barremian-Aptian of Hautrage (Mons basin, Belgium) with taphonomy, palaeoecology and palaeoenvironment insights. In P. Godefroit (ed.), Bernissart Dinosaurs and Early Terrestrial Ecosystems, 464 pp. Series: Life of the Past. Indiana University Press, Bloomington IN. ISBN: 978-0-253-35721-2.

* Néraudeau D, Allain R, Ballèvre M, Batten D, Buffetaut E, Colin J-P, Dabard M-P, Daviero-Gomez V, Gomez B, Grosheny D, Le Loeuff J, LePrince A, Martín-Closas C, Masure E, Mazin J-M, Philippe M, Pouech J, Tong H, Tournepiche J-F, Vullo R. Lithostratigraphy, palaeontology, palaeobotany and palynology from the Hauterivian-Barremian of the lignitic bone bed of Angeac (Charente, SW France). Cretaceous Research 37: 1–14.

* Gomez B, Ewin TAM, Daviero-Gomez, V. The conifer Glenrosa falcata sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Spain and its palaeoecology. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 172: 21–32.

* Kvaček J, Gomez B, Zetter R. The early angiosperm Pseudoasterophyllites cretaceus from the Albian-Cenomanian of Czech Republic and France revisited. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 57(2)437–443.

* Marmi J, Gomez B, Villalba-Breva S, Martín-Closas C. Bergacarpon viladrici gen. et sp. nov., angiosperm seeds and associated fruits from the early Maastrchtian of the eastern Pyrenees (Catalonia, Spain). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 171: 83–94.

* Coiffard C, Gomez B, Daviero-Gomez V. Chapter 2. Deciphering early angiosperm landscape ecology using a clustering method on Cretaceous plant assemblages. In : Prof. John Tiefenbacher (Editeur), Perspectives on Nature Conservation – Patterns, Pressures and Prospects, 33–50, ISBN 978-953-51-0033-1.

* Girard V, Philippe M, Bamford M, Gomez B, Ferry S. 2012. Charcoalified wood from the Cenomanian of Gard (southern France): an insight into early angiosperm palaeoecology. Revista Española de Paleontología 27(1)29–44.


* Feild TS, Brodribb TJ, Iglesias A, Chatelet DS, Baresch A, Upchurch G, Gomez B, Mohr BAR, Coiffard C, Kvaček J, Jaramillo C. Fossil evidence for Cretaceous escalaton in angiosperm leaf vein evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 108(20)8363–8366.


* Marmi J, Gomez B, Martín-Closas C, Villalba-Breva S. A reconstruction of the fossil palm Sabalites longirhachis (Unger) J. Kvaček et Herman from the Maastrichtian of Pyrenees. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 163(1)73–83.

* Najarro M, Peñalver E, Pérez-de la Fuente R, Ortega-Blanco J, Menor-Salván C, Barrón E, Soriano C, Rosales I, López del Valle R, Velasco F, Tornos F, Daviero-Gomez V, Gomez B, Delclòs X. Review of the El Soplao amber outcrop, Early Cretaceous of Cantabria, Spain. Acta Geologica Sinica (English version) 84(4)959–976.

* Mendes MM, Dinis JL, Gomez B, Pais J. Reassessment of the cheirolepidiaceous conifer Frenelopsis teixeirae Alvin et Pais from the Early Cretaceous (Hauterivian) of Portugal and palaeoenvironmental considerations. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 161(1)30–42.

* Sender LM, Gomez B, Diez JB, Coiffard C, Martín-Closas C, Villanueva-Amadoz U, Ferrer J. Ploufolia cerciforme gen. et comb. nov. : Aquatic angiosperm leaves from the Upper Albian of north-eastern Spain. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 161(1)77–86.

* Coiffard C, Gomez B. The rise to dominance of the angiosperm kingdom : dispersal, habitat widening and evolution during the Late Cretaceous of Europe. Lethaia, 43(2)164–169.

* Riera V, Marmi J, Oms O, Gomez B. Orientated plant fragments revealing tidal palaeocurrents in the Fumanya mudflat (Maastrichtian, southern Pyrenees) : insights in palaeogeographic reconstructions. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 288(1)82–92.

* Philippe M, Billon-Bruyat J-P, Garcia-Ramos JC, Bocat L, Gomez B, Piñuela L. New occurrences of the wood Protocupressinoxylon purbeckensis Francis : implications for terrestrial phytocoenosis in Western Europe at Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary. Palaeontology 53(1)201–214.


* Gomez B, Coiffard C, Sender LM, Martín-Closas C, Villanueva-Amadoz U, Ferrer J. Klitzschophyllites, aquatic basal Eudicot (Ranunculales ?) from the Albian (Lower Cretaceous) of north-eastern Spain. International Journal of Plant Sciences 170(8)1075–1085.

* Gomez B, Coiffard C, Daviero-Gomez V. Ecological and environmental changes in higher plants through the Cretaceous in western Europe as an answer to Darwin’s abominable mystery. In : Pérez-García, A., Camilo-Silva, B., Malafaia, E., Escaso, F. (Eds.), Proceedings of the VII Meeting of Young Researchers in Palaeontology. Paleolusitana 1: 21–24.

* Aucour A-M, Faure P, Gomez B, Hautevelle Y, Michels R, Thévenard F. Insights into preservation of fossil plant cuticle from thermally assisted hydrolysis methylation. Organic Geochemistry 40(7)784–794.

* Coiffard C, Gomez B, Thiébaut M, Kvaček J, Thévenard F, Néraudeau D. Eucalyptolaurus depreii, gen. et sp. nov., intramarginal veined Lauraceae leaves from the Albian-Cenomanian of Charente-Maritime (Western France). Palaeontology 52(2)323–336.

* Néraudeau D, Vullo R, Girard V, Gomez B, Perrichot V, Videt B. Amber, plant and vertebrate fossils from the Lower Cenomanian paralic facies of Aix Island (Charente-Maritime, France). Geodiversitas 31(1)13-27.

* Najarro, M., Peñalver, E., Rosales, I., López de la Fuente, R., Daviero-Gomez, V., Gomez, B. & Delclòs, X. - Unusual concentration of arthropod-bearing amber during early Albian regression (El Soplao, Cantabria, N Spain). Geologica Acta, 7(3):363-387.

* Yans, J., Spagna, P., Gérards, T., Gerrienne, P., Dejax, J., Gomez, B., Dupuis, C., Baele, J.-M., Barbier, F., Pirson, S.– The Lower Cretaceous Wealden Facies of the Hautrage Quarry (Mons Basin, Belgium). Field Guide of Darwin-Bernissart meeting, Brussels, February 9-13, pp. 137–145.

* Dinis, J., Mendes, M.M, Gomez, B. & Pais, J. The Frenelopsis teixeirae Alvin et Pais of Vale Cortiço (Lower Hauterivian) in the scope of the environmental interpretation of Portuguese Cretaceous frenelopsids. Proceedings of the 27th IAS Meeting of Sedimentologists. Ed. by A. Amorosi, Medimond, Bologna, 5–9.


* Néraudeau D, Perrichot V, Collin J-P, Girard V, Gomez B, Guillocheau F, Masure E, Peyrot D, Tostain F, Videt B, Vullo R. A new amber deposit (uppermost Albian-lowermost Cenomanian) of southwestern France. Cretaceous Research 29(5-6)925–929.

* Philippe M, Gomez B, Girard V, Coiffard C, Daviero-Gomez V, Thévenard F, Billon-Bruyat J-P, Guiomar M, Latil J-L, Le Loeuff J, Néraudeau D, Olivero D, Schlögl J. Woody or not woody ? Evidence for early angiosperm habit from the Early Cretaceous fossil wood record of Europe. Palaeoworld 17(2)142–152.

* Gomez B, Coiffard C, Dépré E, Daviero-Gomez V, Néraudeau D. Diversity and histology of a plant litter bed from the Cenomanian of Archingeay-Les Nouillers (SW France). Comptes Rendus Palevol 7(2)135-144.

* de la Fuente M, Gomez B. Catálogo de la colección de plantas fósiles del Cretácico inferior de la Provincia de La Rioja (España) depositada en el Museo Geominero (Instituto Geológico y Minero de España). Boletín Geológico y Minero 119(2)201-210.

* Aucour A-M, Gomez B, Sheppard SMF, Thévenard F. 13C and stomatal number variability in the Cretaceous conifer Frenelopsis. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 257(4)462–473.

* Coiffard C, Gomez B, Nel A, Kvaček J, Néraudeau D, Thévenard F. Application of the Wagner’s Parcimony Method in fossil plant assemblages from the Cretaceous of Europe. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 148(1)1–12.

* Gomez B, Coiffard C, Daviero-Gomez V. Comment vivaient les premières plantes à fleurs ? La Recherche 419: 48–52.

* Nel A, Néraudeau D, Perrichot V, Girard V, Gomez B. A new dragonfly family from the Upper Cretaceous of France. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 53(1)165–168.

* Marmi J, Gomez B, Martín-Closas C. Presencia de macrorestos parautóctonos de Sabalites cf. longirhachis (Unger, 1850) Kvaček et Herman, 2004 en facies parálicas del Cretácico superior del Pirineo oriental, Cataluña. Revista Española de Paleontología 23(1)7-14.

* Gomez B, Gillot T, Daviero-Gomez V, Spagna P, Yans J. Palaeoflora from the Wealden facies strata of Belgium – 2. Mega- and meso-fossils of Hautrage. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium 55: 53-60.


* Coiffard C, Gomez B, Thévenard F. Early Cretaceous angiosperm invasion of Western Europe and major environmental changes. Annals of Botany 100(3)545-553.


* Gomez B, Thévenard F (coord.) - Interactions biodiversité végétale - changements globaux à la transition Crétacé inférieur-supérieur d’Europe occidentale. IFB – GICC Colloque de restitution, Biodiversité et changement global, Réponses adaptatives au changement global : résultats et prospective, 18 - 20 septembre 2006, Paris, p. 128–132.

* Coiffard C, Gomez B, Kvaček J, Thévenard F. Early angiosperm ecology: evidence from the Albian-Cenomanian of Europe. Annals of Botany 98(3)495–502.


* Thévenard F, Barale G, Guignard G, Daviero-Gomez V, Gomez B, Philippe M, Labert N. Reappraisal of the ill-defined Liassic pteridosperma Dichopteris using ultrastructural approach. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 149(3)313-332.

* Thévenard F, Gomez B, Daviero-Gomez V. Xeromorphic adaptations of some Mesozoic gymnosperms. A review with palaeoclimatological implications. Comptes Rendus Palevol 4(1-2)67-77.

* Néraudeau D, Vullo R, Gomez B, Perrichot V, Videt B. Stratigraphie et Paléontologie (plantes, vertébrés) de la série paralique Albien terminal - Cénomanien basal de Tonnay-Charente (Charente-Maritime, France). Comptes Rendus Palevol 4(1-2)79-93.

* Gomez B. Le Crétacé, une révolution floristique et écologique. La Garance Voyageuse 71: 47- 51.

* Barale G, Bamford MK, Gomez B, Broderick TJ, Raath MA, Cadman A. A fossil peat deposit from the Late Triassic (Carnian) of Zimbabwe with preserved cuticle of Pteridospermopsida and Ginkgoales, and its geological setting. Palaeontologia Africana 41: 89-100.


* Coiffard C, Gomez B, Nel A, Thévenard F. Application de la méthode de parcimonie de Wagner à l’étude paléosynécologique de flores de l’Albien-Cénomanien d’Europe. Annales de Paléontologie 90(3)175–186.

* Gomez B, Daviero-Gomez V, Perrichot V, Thévenard F, Coiffard C, Philippe M, Néraudeau D. Assemblages floristiques de l’Albien-Cénomanien de Charente-Maritime (SO France). Annales de Paléontologie 90(3)147–159.

* Martín-Closas C, Gomez B. Taphonomie des plantes et interprétations paléoécologiques. Une synthèse. Geobios 37(1)65–88.

* Thévenard F, Deschamps S, Guignard G, Gomez B. Les plantes fossiles du gisement hettangien de Talmont-Saint-Hilaire (France), intérêts systématique et paléoécologique. Bulletin des Naturalistes Vendéens 3: 9-27.

* Barale, G., Thiébaut, M., Thévenard, F., Daviero, V., Guignard, G., Philippe, M. & Gomez, B. - De la plante fossile à la plante actuelle ou l’utilisation des Herbiers en Paléobotanique. Association Française pour la Conservation des Espèces Végétales, n° spécial : 153-170.

* Martín-Closas C,. Gomez B. La tafonomía vegetal : una herramienta para la reconstrucción de la vegetación del pasado. In : J-L Sanz (coord.) Aportaciones recientes en el conocimiento de la historia de la vida. Fundación de Cultura, Instituto ’Juan Valdés’, serie ’Actas académicas’ (Ciudad de Cuenca), pp. 45-70.

* Delclòs X, Martín-Closas C, Buscalioni AD, Fregenal-Martínez MA, de la Fuente M, Gomez B, Poyato-Ariza FJ, Soriano C. Tafonomía y paleoecología del ecosistema acuático de Las Hoyas (Barremiense superior, Serranía de Cuenca). Geo-Temas 6 : 39-42.


* Salas R, Colombo F, Gàmez D, Gomez B, Gasulla JM, Martìn-Closas C, Moratalla J, Paciotti P, Querol X, Solé de Porta N. Guía de la excursión. XIX jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Palaeontología. Morella 2003. Martín-Closas C, Salas R (coord.), 31 pp.

* Philippe M, Cuny G, Bamford M, Jaillard E, Barale G, Gomez B, Ouaja M, Sengbusch P von, Thévenard F, Thiébaut M. Metapodocarpoxylon libanoticum (Edwards) Dupéron-Laudoueneix and Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous continental biogeography. Journal of Biogeography 30(3)389–400.

* Gomez B, Barale G, Saad D, Perrichot V. Santonian angiosperm-dominated plant macroremains (Vaucluse, SE France). Comptes Rendus Palevol 2(3)197–204.


* Gomez B, Bamford M, Martínez-Delclòs X. Lower Cretaceous plant cuticles and amber (Kirkwood Formation, South Africa). Comptes Rendus Palevol 1(2)83-87.

* Gomez B. A new species of Mirovia (Coniferales, Miroviaceae) from the Lower Cretaceous of the Iberian Ranges (Spain). Cretaceous Research 23(6)761-773.

* Gomez B, Thévenard F, Fantin M, Guisberti L. Late Cretaceous fossil plants from the Bonarelli level in the Venetian (Southern) Alps. Cretaceous Research 23(6)671-685.

* Gomez B, Martínez-Delclòs X, Bamford M, Philippe M. Taphonomy and palaeoecology of plant remains from the oldest African Early Cretaceous amber locality. Lethaia 35(4)300-308.

* Gomez B, Martín-Closas C, Barale G, Solé de Porta N, Thévenard F, Guignard G. Frenelopsis (Coniferales: Cheirolepidiaceae) and related male organ genera from the Lower Cretaceous of Spain. Palaeontology 45(5)997–1036.

* Philippe M, Méon H, Lambert G, Erdei B, Thévenard F, Gomez B. A palm-tree and Sciadopitys swamp-forest from the Neogene of Bresse (Eastern France). Comptes Rendus Palevol 1(4)221–225.

* Martín-Closas C, Gomez B, de la Fuente M. Montsec-Las Hoyas. Plantas lacustres : El fondo de los lagos, medio hostil para los vegetales. In Jose Luis Seco, Luis Merino (ed.) : Geographica. Naturaleza, gentes, lugares y cultura de nuestro mundo. National Geographic España, edicion especial "El origen de la vida sobre la Tierra".


* Daviero V, Gomez B, Philippe M. Uncommon branching pattern within conifers : Frenelopsis turolensis, a Spanish Lower Cretaceous Cheirolepidiaceae. Canadian Journal of Botany, 79(12)1400-1408.

* Gomez B, Martín-Closas C, Méon H, Thévenard F, Barale G. Plant taphonomy and palaeoecology in the lacustrine delta of Uña (Upper Barremian, Iberian Ranges, Spain). Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 170(1-2)133-148.


* Gomez B, Martín-Closas C, Barale G, Guignard G, Thévenard F. Présence des genres Frenelopsis Schenk emend. Watson et Glenrosa Watson & Fischer dans le Crétacé inférieur lacustre de la Chaîne Ibérique (Espagne). Implications paléoenvironnementales et paléoclimatiques. Monografias de la Academia de Ciencias Exactas Físicas Químicas y Naturales de Zaragoza 16: 30-32.

* Gomez B, Martín-Closas C, Solé de Porta N, Barale G, Thévenard F. Précisions géologiques, paléobotaniques, taphonomiques et paléoenvironnementales sur le gisement à cuticules végétales du Crétacé inférieur de Rubielos de Mora (Chaîne Ibérique, Espagne). Monografias de la Academia de Ciencias Exactas Físicas Químicas y Naturales de Zaragoza 16: 32–34.

* Thévenard F, Guignard G, Gomez B, Zhou Zhiyan. Genre Glenrosa, exemple de plantes xérophytes ou accommodation physiologique ? Monografias de la Academia de Ciencias Exactas Físicas Químicas y Naturales de Zaragoza 16: 45–51.

* Gomez B, Martín-Closas C, Barale G, Thévenard F. A new species of Nehvizdya (Ginkgoales) from the Lower Cretaceous of the Iberian Ranges (Spain). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 111(1-2)49–70.


* Gomez B, Barale G, Martín-Closas C, Thévenard F, Philippe M. Découverte d’une flore à Ginkgoales, Bennettitales et Coniférales dans le Crétacé inférieure de la Formation Escucha (Chaîne Ibérique Orientale, Teruel, Espagne). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte 11: 661–675.

* Philippe M, Barale G, Gomez B, Guignard G, Thévenard F. Paléodiversifications des flores au Jurassique et Crétacé inférieur : données et remarques. Geobios 32(2)325–331.